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take one’s defeat(things)lying down
甘心失败  detail>>
take a challenge lying down
对挑战俯首称臣  detail>>
take something lying down
善罢甘休  detail>>
take defeat
承认失败 接收失败  detail>>
down lying
产褥期  detail>>
lying down
拒绝履行契约 躺着  detail>>
to take defeat easily
轻易认输  detail>>
take things as they are
接受事物的现状, 安于现状 应机处宜  detail>>
strike down; defeat; beat
打垮  detail>>
lying down position
卧位  detail>>
lying-down dysentery
重型痢疾  detail>>
suffer one defeat after another
连吃败仗  detail>>
down take
下导气管 下降管 下气道  detail>>
take down
病倒 拆除,记下 拆除,取下 拆卸;记下,写下 登记入帐 放下;记下;拆除 记录下 记下 该死的温柔 原唱写下 记下,记...  detail>>
take on all things
大包大揽  detail>>
take on the all things
大包大揽  detail>>
take things as they are [come]
达观安命  detail>>
take things as they come
即来之则安之 随遇而安, 安于现状, 对一切事情处之泰然  detail>>